
Showing posts from October, 2009

Halloween and the UN - Yes, the United Nations

The Army Goes Rolling Along

Hen, 1879

Stars and Stripes Forever

Carbon Trading ????

Liberty Bell - Inscription

Thomas Jefferson - Voting

Enemy of the State

John Adams

Nathan Hale - Revisited

Enemies List - Nixon had one....and now we have a new list????

American's Creed


Pledge of Allegiance

Sun Tzu

Handwashing Prevents The Spread of Germs

John Adams

Food, Agriculture, Victory Gardens

Safety = Security

Nuclear War Survival Skills

Liberty - JOIN, or DIE

NASA - Lunar Flight Plan

Signing the Constitution of the United States

Big Brother

ACORN - Citizens Consulting Inc

Thomas Jefferson

Slow the Recession & Depression - CUT TAXES!


COAL - A Vast American Resource

Andrew Jackson

Business Leaving OHIO


October 1st, 2009 - A New Fiscal Year for the US Government

NASA - Born on 1 October 1958