Trammeled Liberty?


The word 'trammel' has several meanings. This the title of this post the word 'trammeled' refers to binding or securing someone or something. The pictures above & below refer to another meaning of the word trammel - a hook in the fireplace for hanging a cooking pot.

For example, 'The police trammeled the suspect in the crime they were investigating'. In this case the word 'trammel' refers to a binding, restraint, or maybe handcuffs or leg-irons.

It also refers to limit setting (confining, limiting, restricting, etc...) and in the case of the suspect the suspect is trammeled not by putting him in handcuffs or tying him/her up, but by putting them in a cell.

A quote by James Madison, Founding Father of the United States of American, refers to the trammeling, limiting, or restriction of freedoms or liberties.

"There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."

The best on-line reference for various definitions of 'trammel' in a simple and easy to read & understand manner is found at:
