
Showing posts from May, 2013

GUN CONTROL isn't about guns, It's about CONTROL!

Politicians Pick the People's Pockets

Trust the Government? Government of Consent?

HAYEK - Free Men

People are Sheep and Government the Shepherd

Second Amendment

Champions of Socialism! I.E. Democrats, Progressives, Liberals and of course Communists...,

Reason : FBI: We'll Decide When You are Lying to Us

Why Bureaucracy Persists - The Threat to Liberty and Freedom

Sinkhole of Socialism

FREE People Bear Arms!

More Alaskans "hesitant" about vaccines for children

Monday Morning Humor Break.....

Bearing's about FREEDOM and LIBERTY!

What Really Sank Gun Control: Distrust of Government - Atlantic Mobile


Taxation is theft -- so why do Americans put up with it?

Antisemiti​sm, anti-Ameri​canism are UN Human Rights Council official's job descriptio​n

Canadians Spend More on Taxes than on Necessitie​s

7 Insanely Advanced Weapons History Somehow Forgot About on​m

UN-Constitutional Lawyers?

NSA data center front and center in debate over liberty, security and privacy | Fox News

A 'Whom Do You Hang With?' Map of America

Taxation and the Democratic Party?????


FOX News: Obama plays 'truth or dare' with your health care

UPR Utah Public Radio