
Showing posts from April, 2013

On Taxes and Taxation - Benjamin Franklin

United States Supreme Court, Dwight E. Avis, Judge Learned Hand

IRS - Internal Revenue Service - Taxes

Michael Bloomberg's Authoritarian Instincts -

The Constitution and Education!

Handicappe​r General, All hail mediocrity,

Winds of Change -- Chain Email Sharing

4 More Ways Obama's Gun Control Speech Sows Mistrust

Social Security -- Congressman Rush Holt - D, NJ

Reason : "The Meritocrac​y As We Know It Mostly Works To Perpetuate the Existing Upper Class"

Thomas Jefferson - NO to Public Debt!

AFP: Putin unveils $50 bn Russian space drive

Stop the Federal Power Grab of Our Elections

Study: Healthcare Coverage Through Employers Continues To Decline.

Making "special" interests wishes come true! It is NOT a dream but a Taxpayer funded boondoggle!

FOX News: New Mars photos may reveal 1970s Soviet lander

Dad Furious After Finding This Crayon-Wri​tten Paper in Florida 4th-Grader​’s Backpack: ‘I Am Willing to Give Up Some of My Constituti​onal Rights…to Be Safer

Union Greed Drives California to Bankruptcy

BBC News: Measles risk 'for million children'

Stop the Semi-Auto Gun Ban Bill

NGC 6751: The Glowing Eye Nebula